Friday, December 20, 2013

Simplest Twitter data gathering & initial analysis

I’ve been trying to lower the barriers for entry into data mining & analysis, and think that I’m at the end of the rainbow thanks to code from Mining the Social Web and the Wakari platform that you can check out here:

Creating an account, executing the notebook, and analyzing data takes _under a minute_ if you have Twitter API keys handy.

The code adapted from the first chapter of Mining the Social Web takes you from nothing to analyzing the lexicographical diversity of tweets, and if that piques your interest, there’s a lot more where it came from at like this recent post about analyzing the Amazon Prime Air Twitter reaction:

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Bonus Shortcat love - keyboard shortcut in Chrome to Duplicate a tab

So after a few minutes of using Shortcat (, I'm a huge fan :)

First, I've found a way to get the ribbon interface in Mac OSX Office 2011 that I've described in this post:

It's also given me a keyboard shortcut (sequence) in Chrome to Duplicate a tab:
  • Command key icon-Shift icon-Space (cmd-shift-space)
  • '.' (period)
  • Control key icon-k (control-k) - note that this could be a different letter, and control-e would work just as well
  • Control key icon-Enter (control-enter) which performs a right-click
  • 'd' - selects Duplicate
  • Enter

Keyboard shortcut for ribbon interface in Mac Office 2011 with @shortcatapp

Thanks to Shortcat (, I can access the Office ribbon interface in Mac OSX Office 2011 with a keyboard shortcut!

After installing Shortcat, use this key sequence to select the Home ribbon tab (which is alt,h):
  • Command key icon-Shift icon-Space (cmd-shift-space) to activate Shortcat
  • '.' (period) to display all available Shortcat options
  • Control key icon-J (control-j or whatever letter is above the home ribbon tab) to select the home tab 
  • Enter

While a casual observer may think that this is too much of a hassle, this keyboard sequence is extremely helpful when you're working with multiple large monitors and your mouse is far from where you need it to be.